Wednesday, September 26, 2007


(SITUATION-Three friends Harman,Hitesh and Jivanjot sat together in a canteen after attending chemistery class.)

Harman-So how was the lecture guys

Jiwanjot-Don't talk about that yaar,it is so boring.

Hitesh-I was sleeping during the lecture.

Harman-I heard every thing butI was unable to understand anything.

Jiwanjot-Our sir,seems to have some problem regarding his voice, it is not audible to even the first benchers

Hitesh-He doesn't even clear our doubts and always says that ''we will discuss it some another day''

Harman-so we have to now talk about this issue with our classmate and try to speak with our HOD

Hitesh-I don't think this is the right way because it can create problem for us if our teacher is not changed

Jivanjot-If we don't complain, then what should we do, we have no other option left

Harman-I think we should now start study in our own way

Hitesh-I don't understand what are you saying

Harman-I am saying we can prepare different chapters and then we can discuss our problems

Hitesh-I think this is the ultimate solution for this problem

Harman-Now leave all that stuff and tell me when the fresher party is

Jivanjot-I think it is in month of october

Hitesh-Oh man,its too late as compared to other colleges

Harman-Yes,it is late but we have to wait as we have no option left

Jivanjot-Do you have any plan of dress you are going to wear in it

Harman-I think we are going to have a dress code as other colleges

Jivanjot-what is our next lecture

Harman-M.P workshop

Hitesh-Oh,manI hate these classes,my whole body start paining after attending workshop

Harman-In which shop are you working guys



Harman-After attending these classes one has to go to bed

Hitesh-Ok see you later guys